
Serviços Logística
Serviços Planejamento
Serviços Gerenciamento
Serviços Meio Ambiente
Serviços Recursos Hídricos
Serviços Desenvolvimento


Maia Melo has a significant portfolio of services developed in the area of urban planning.
The Company has in its collection numerous technical studies, projects and programs developed, ranging from the redevelopment plans of space up strategic action plans. Recently, Maia Melo attended by a multidisciplinary team of highly qualified project to revitalize the process of Luanda-Angola covering not only the revitalization of urban infrastructure, but also the implementation of socio-environmental.


Rua General Joaquim Inácio, 136 - Ilha do Leite - Recife - PE - Phone: +55 81 3423.3977 - Fax: +55 81 3423.8477